Physical Therapy
At Finish Line Physical Therapy, we go beyond conventional approaches to treatment. We're not just about treating symptoms; we're about uncovering the root cause of your injury. Using Applied Functional Science principles, we delve deep into understanding your biomechanics and performance goals.
Wondering if physical therapy
is right
for you?
Whether you're aiming to prevent injuries, recover from existing ones, or boost performance, our tailored approach benefits individuals and athletes of all levels.
Don’t consider yourself an athlete? No problem. At Finish Line PT, we specialize in helping anyone experiencing pain, limited joint movement, or loss of function, regardless of athletic background. We all want to move through our days pain free and that’s where physical therapy can help!
common conditions we treat:
Plantar Fasciitis: Pain along the inside of the heel or arch, often worse in the morning.
Achilles Tendinopathy: Increased pain, swelling, or thickness of the Achilles tendon, that's usually made worse by stretching.
Patellofemoral Syndrome (PFS) or Runner's Knee: Knee pain around the kneecap, worsened by running, walking downstairs, or prolonged sitting.
Iliotibial Band (ITB) Syndrome: Pain on the outside of the knee, worsened by running and possibly accompanied by a clicking or rubbing sensation.
Shin Splints: Pain in or along the shin, exacerbated by running, with variations in onset and intensity.
Lower Back Injury: Low back pain aggravated by prolonged sitting, running, cycling, or a combination of activities.
Shoulder Impingement: General pain in the outer shoulder area due to repetitive overhead motions, such as swimming.
Stress Fractures: Small cracks in the bone caused by repetitive stress, often occurring in the feet, shins, or hips.
Hamstring Strain: Overstretching or tearing of the muscles at the back of the thigh, leading to pain and limited mobility or function.
Hip Flexor Strain: Injury to the muscles that help lift the knee and bend at the waist, resulting in pain and stiffness in the front of the hip.
Adductor Strain: Tightness or inflammation of the groin muscles, which can cause hip or groin pain during running and other activities.
Keep in mind, this is NOT meant to be a comprehensive list. We treat a variety of injuries and conditions that may not be listed above, so don't be afraid to reach out.